Friday, 28 March 2008

TRA Night Out

Tiff on the balcony of her new office, overlooking Darling Harbour

Tiff has started a new job at TRA (recruitment firm), and on Friday the last day for one of her colleagues. They started her going away party at about noon, and then continued on through the evening.
Photos are here.

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Out with Wayne and Tracey

Some photos from our night out on the town with our friends Wayne and Tracey.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

The Alice and Ayers Rock- NT

We just returned from a 5 day trip to Alice Springs.  It was magical and HOT (38 degrees C).  Jeff worked from home for 4 of the days and we took an 18 hr tour to Ayer's Rock and covered 1000 km.  We went with a great company, called Emu Run.  Richard and Shorty served us all our meals, snacks and drinks with our BBQ dinner at sunset and provided excellent historical commentary, jokes and little known facts about the region.  Although we were in the middle of nowhere, we learnt that there are water holes and food sources everywhere, one just needs to know where to find them.  The Aboriginis have been doing it for thousands of years.  Our ride home was complete with wild dingo and kangaroo sightings.

A tour to that area of the world wouldn't be complete without tasting some of the local delicacies.  We went to a quaint outdoor restaurant, called Red Ocre on our last night and ordered the tasting platter which consisted of camel, kangaroo filet, emu sausage, and wild barramundi.  The restaurant was out of crocodile.  I'm glad I tried it but can't say that I'd order it again.  Jeff wasn't really in the mood for game but he was a good sport nonetheless.  See our pics.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Mardi Gras

Today marks the day of our 1 year Anniversary in Australia....and Mardi Gras! We had an amazing night, and It was fun to dress up- very SF! We painted the town red with our friend, Ben and met colourful characters. photos here.