Sunday, 1 July 2007

Accents and Language

We've been told many times here that we have "beautiful accents". It's so weird thinking of myself as having an accent. It's always seemed quite plain to me. I suppose it's in part that we sound like people on TV and movies to Aussies, and it's not a common accent to hear around here.

For some reason a lot of people mistake our accents for being Irish. I don't see the similarity at all, but it's happened a few times. It might be the use of the word "like", which is greatly overused by both Californians (like, yeah "whatever" :) and Irish too.

Also, we expected everyone to say "G'Day" all the time. I think I've heard it like maybe 5 times since we've been here. People here just say "how are you going?". I think that G'Day is more of a provincial thing.
Oh, and the general term for a woman is "Shiela" (like "Lass" in the UK). Tiff hates being called that. For guys it's still "lad" or "bloke".

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